Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to Bardy Language School for the academic year 2024-2025.
As we strive to provide a high level of education, ethics and values, we are happy to continue our journey with you for another year, hoping for more growth, excellence and ambition. We always endeavor to implement different types of educational tools and academic activities to maximize the
students’ experience at Bardy School. Our educational mission orbits around making a real positive difference, providing opportunities for all students to be successful, as well as helping them explore their potential and develop their lifelong learning skills. We have installed Smart Board Interactive Technology in all classes starting from the fourth grade of primary school to the third grade of secondary school, and are happy to witness our
students grow from more in using such a technology day in and day out. They are currently fully equipped to visualize what they learn using different advanced technological methods. Our goal in the coming period for our teachers continue to focus on increasing motivation, interaction,
innovation and participation of all students .
We have also equipped the entire school with CCTV cameras for the safety and security of our students, as well as a Wi-Fi network has been installed in all classrooms. A fire extinguishing network has been installed to cover all buildings in the school to maximize everyone’s safety.
Good education is one that focuses on life experiences in addition to subject matter contents. A cultural and scientific extracurricular system has been created by establishing a number of different clubs in most subjects. Last year the number of the clubs increased from four to seven covering
languages, sciences, applied mathematics and social sciences, where the students collaborate but also compete with joy. The school administration rewards all club members. In 2022/2023, Bardy School organized and funded a historical trip to Luxor for members of the English Language Club
winners of 1st year award. In 2024/2025, Bardy organized and funded a cultural trip to Alexandria for members of the Science Club; winners of the 2nd year award. We are on this track to develop our students’ experiences, academically and practically.
In preparation for the new academic year, a summer school has been established for the months of June, July and August. A large number of Bardy students participated in swimming classes and other sports activities, in addition to enhancing the academic subjects they desire. Bardy Language School Handbook for Parents and Students 6/24 Your school, Bardy School, always seeks to deepen core values, highlight future aspirations,
and motivate all students to pursue their goals. We expect a high response from all our students, academically and behaviorally. We adhere to the necessity of everyone’s commitment within the school campus to respect values, and morals so that students become accustomed to these principles
every day inside and outside the school. We are keen to have our student begin their life journey with aspiration that is crowned with principles, values, and morals. We invite everyone to read these rules that are in place to protect our students and we call for clear and transparent communication between all students, parents, and Bardy School staff so that we can reap the best fruits together.
To Download the English Parents-Students Handbook 2024-2025 , press here.
To Download the Arabic Parents- Students Handbook 2024-2025, press here.
We wish you all a very successful and a prosperous academic year.
Bardy School Management