There is an Emergency Evacuation Plan posted in the building. Students are taught the procedures at the beginning of the school year to ensure that they know what to do in case of an emergency.
1. Fire Safety Procedure:
- Emergency sirens will go off immediately.
- The Staff will ensure the safety of the Students and implement the necessary emergency evacuation protocol.
- The Staff will contact firefighters.
- The Staff will initiate use of extinguishers to control/manage the fire.
- Training for such drills will be implemented during the school year.
2. Fire Evacuation Procedure:
- The Siren will sound continuously.
- Classroom doors and windows must be shut when exiting.
- All Students will exit accompanied by their class Teacher to the blacktop area.
- With a class roster, Teachers will check off Students present. Any Student unaccounted for should be put on an absence list and given to the designated safety monitor.
- Students must remain silent and be with their class Teacher throughout the emergency drill.
- After ensuring that all Students are accounted for, staff will wait for further instructions before proceeding.
3. Earthquake Drill
- Classes in the playground move away from the buildings towards the blacktop area.
- Students and staff will take up positions under desks or in doorways. While under desks, Students/Teachers should be in the kneeling position holding their hands over their head.
- Following the cessation of movement and providing that it is safe to move, Students will leave the building in an orderly manner with their class Teacher.
- Students must remain silent and with their class Teacher throughout the emergency drill.
- After ensuring that all Students are accounted for, staff will wait for further instructions before proceeding.
4. Other Emergencies
- In case of emergency and bad weather, all Students could leave at 1 pm immediately after the 7th period.